Saturday, May 2, 2009

Another Look

Well, for the past few weeks now I have been a bit busy and not really posting here as usual. I got myself involved in three online courses, a major store spring-cleaning, a photography project, and a migration of three websites. I have been a bit pre-occupied to say the least. And now I am planning the coming week and making lists and lists and more lists. I almost always make these lists - don't you do that too? And then I actually do try to work my way through them - it's just that I can get really distracted really quickly. So I am telling you right here and now, this time it will be different. This time I have a real determination to get through them all because they are the blueprint for the future, so to speak.
It is time to take a look at what's been happening and all that I have been trying to do, and make some sense of it all. For starters, after tonight's post I am going to work on a few design tweaks to the blog site here. Nothing radical - at least not at the beginning. But it is time for some change, and change is almost always exciting and certainly a lot of fun. I have pages and pages of sketches and definitions of "ftp stuff"and html and all that techno-talk. What it comes down to is this - we won't know what we are getting until I hang it out here. So it may be changing on a regular basis until I get it right!
So take a good look at it now, because with the next post it will surely look different, maybe even better (depending on how you look at it.)

PS And did I mention that I have been having a real bang-up time over at Twitter also? That, my friends, is the place to really learn some stuff!


Jacqueline said...

Looks like you have been a busy bee. :) I can't imagine taking 3 e-course. One is enough to occupy my time. :) Glad i stop by here before you make any changes...i would love to see the before and after change! Hope you had a good weekend!

Karen said...

Hi Jacqueline! I am so glad that you stopped by and took the time to comment. Yes, it has been a really busy few weeks - I think I might have overdone it! I've tried to save things as they are now so I can compare and contrast.
See you at Holly's!!